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Suonala ancora, Bombe // NEW EDITION


Marta Nijhuis' short novel is back in an elegant new edition featuring 20 previously unseen illustrations by the artist herself and a text by Andrea Tomasetig.

Milan: Mimesis 2024

Language: Italian; softcover; pages: 134; colour. 


An artist book in 25 copies, handmade by Marta and legendary editor Alberto Casiraghy .

Osnago: Pulcinoelefante, 2022.

Language: Italian; Hahnemühle paper printed with a mobile types Nebiolo Audax vintage machine; pages: 4; handpainted with gansai, every copy includes a unique miniature.


Marta Nijhuis 2010-2020

A trilingual monograph on Marta's artistic work.

Paris-Milan: Mimesis, 2020.

Languages: English, French, Italian; hardcover; pages: 215; colour.

Realised with the support of the Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Lyon.

Texts by Giovanna Borradori, Elouan Camus, Mauro Carbone, Jacques Comby, Marta Nijhuis, Chiara Palermo, Xavier Petit, Jean-Philippe Pierron, Thierry Raspail. 

Watch Marta Nijhuis interviewed (in Italian) by Elisabetta Roncati about the book.

Watch Marta Nijhuis present (in French) the book during an online event organised by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Lyon.



A hand-numbered limited edition accounting for the collective artist book realised for the group show "Trame" under the curatorship of Silvia Franceschi.

Milan: Blue Train Editions, 2021

Language: Italian; softcover; pages: 20; colour. 

Introduction by Silvia Franceschi; texts and artworks by Alessandra Angelini, Serena Giorgi, Anna Giuntini, Giulia Nelli, Marta Nijhuis, Sonia Scaccabarozzi.  


Suonala ancora, Bombe.
Memorie di un'elefantessa a Milano

Marta Nijhuis' short novel at the origin of the theatre play directed by Paolo Bignamini and interpreted by Mario Cei. 

Milan: Mimesis 2015

Language: Italian; softcover; pages: 60; black and white. 

Listen to Marta's Radio Svizzera Italiana interview (in Italian) as author of the Suonala ancora Bombe project.

Theoretical Articles

Marta Nijhuis, "Scusate, avete detto schermi?" in M. Carbone, J. Bodini, A.C. Dalmasso (eds.), I poteri degli schermi, Milan: Mimesis, 2020.

Marta Nijhuis, "Vous avez dit écrans?" in M. Carbone, J. Bodini, A.C. Dalmasso (eds.), Vivre par(mi) les écrans, Dijon: Les Presses du Réel, 2016.

Marta Nijhuis, "Echoes of brushstrokes," in D. H. Davis, W. S. Hamrick (eds.),  Merleau-Ponty and the Art of Perception,  Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2015.


Marta Nijhuis, "Specchio, specchio delle mie brame," in Chiasmi International. Publication trilingue autour de la pensée de Maurice Merleau-Ponty, N.13, Milan-Paris-PennState: Mimesis-Vrin-Penn State University, 2011.

Marta Nijhuis, "Se Lo Scherzo non fa ridere. Riflessioni a partire dal primo romanzo di Kundera," in M. Carbone et alii, L’Europa dopo l’Europa. L’individuazione anziché l’individuo, Milan: Mimesis 2008.

Marta Nijhuis, "Diavolo di un’identità! Le maschere del Demonio ne Il Maestro e Margherita," in Dedalus. Rivista di scienza, filosofia, cultura, Anno 3, N.5, luglio-agosto 2008, Milan: State University of Milan. 

Marta Nijhuis, "In case of Emergency. Riflessioni sul numero 100 di Reset," in M. Carbone et alii, Identità migranti, Mimesis, Milano 2007. 

© 2021 Marta Nijhuis 

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